Close to 100 Marquis members and supporters had a wonderful LOFT dinner together on Sunday, April 28th. LOFT is local, organic and fair trade. This was a fundraiser to enable us to continue our support for overseas projects and fair trade activities here at home. It was also a chance for the organization to mark the start of celebrations of our 40th Anniversary and to honour two active members who have made an outstanding contribution to both Brandon-Westman and the world via the Marquis Project.
Named to our Global Citizenship rolls were David Gamey of Strathclair who has been involved in Marquis in both staff and volunteer capacities for 30 years, mostly related to our project work in East Africa, and Mireille Saurette, who joined Marquis in 2012 as a volunteer and has been the main force behind Brandon becoming a Fair Trade Town and winning numerous national awards in that regard.
Our thanks to The Dock on Princess in Brandon for a great meal enjoyed by all, and to the many merchants and individuals who donated prizes for our silent auction. This was the third Fair Trade Feast organized by the Marquis Project, a fun event and great fundraiser. Thanks to all who attended!