Thanks to the funding from the Cooperator’s Group Impact! Fund, The Marquis Project undertook a monthly speaker series focused on regional climate change impacts and local actions that are being implemented to combat the effects of climate change. The purpose of the Climate Change Impact Speaker Series was to build connections to current sources of information, to identify issues of local concern, and to uncover strategies that members, partners, and local stakeholders can begin to adopt with respect to climate change in Manitoba.

“Hunger for Change: Climate Change and the Food Economy” kicked of the speaker series with Dennis Cunningham, from the International Institute for Sustainable Development. Dennis discussed industrialized agriculture and its effects on local farming communities, economies, and environments, in addition to looking at global industrialized agriculture and its effect on people in the developing world. Dennis explained to the audience how the business of agriculture is linked with climate change and development, both locally and globally.  

On World Water Day, Bryan Oborne, associate from the International Institute for Sustainable Development’s Water Innovation Center discussed “Manitoba’s Water Resources and Climate Change.” Bryan discussed how Manitoba’s water resources are vulnerable to changing climate and how water resource management can be an effective tool for adapting to the effects of climate change.

In celebration of Earth Day, representatives from Manitoba Sustainable Energy Association (ManSEA) provided an intellectual panel discussion on “Alternative Energy Options for Manitoba.” Participants at this event had an opportunity to learn about alternative energy sources like biomass, biogas, wind energy, and community focused solutions to energy challenges.

The fourth speaker session took place at the Annual General Meeting, where our guest of honor Beny Mwenda, Chairman of the Tanzania Society for Agriculture Education and Extension (TSAEE) in the Lake Zone, Vice President of TSAEE National, as well as the Director for the Developing Energy Enterprise Project for East Africa (Tanzania), provided a captivating presentation on “Poverty and Climate Change Adaptation in Tanzania.”

The speaker series ended with James Beddome and Kelly Whelan-Enns from Manitoba Wildlands talking about “Transforming Landscapes: Climate Change and Southern Manitoba.” James and Kelly informed the audience about the predicted increase in temperatures caused by global warming, and how the changing temperatures will have drastic impacts on the ecosystems and economies of rural Manitoba. In particular, frequent and persistent droughts, declining crop yields, and increased energy costs, which will likely change how we grow food, and use water resources. The Climate Change Impact Speaker Series was a great success thanks to the help and dedication of The Marquis Project staff, volunteers and members. Thank you to all those who attended this year’s speaker series, and to those who participated in the evaluative survey.