The Marquis Project is extending its fall Brandon Fair Trade Friday campaign to include Fridays throughout the year. Pledge your support at work, at home or even out with friends; choose Fair Trade products on Fridays beginning November 1st. For more information concerning Brandon’s challenge, email

This Brandon Fair Trade challenge promotes MCIC’s Fair Trade Challenge. For more information check out: Fair Trade Manitoba’s Fair Trade Challenge

We Are Making A Difference

Watch the video about the Brandon Fair Trade Town initiative, visit

The City of Brandon is a great supporter of Fair Trade and is on the cusp of becoming the second Fair Trade Town in Manitoba. Mireille Saurette (The Marquis Project) explains how the campaign for Brandon to become a Fair Trade Town came to be, and how close the city is to achieving this status. Lynn Nightingale (Ten Thousand Villages) manages a store that sells a wide range of Fair Trade products, and she explains how people in Manitoba buying Fair Trade products impacts positively on the lives of producers in the Global South. Shari Decter-Hirst (Mayor of Brandon) describes how Brandon being a Fair Trade Town would show support for new Canadians who come from coffee-growing countries, as well as how city council came to support and champion the initiative.

Promoting Fair Trade in Brandon

The Brandon Fair Trade Steering Committee, under the auspices of The Marquis Project, is raising awareness of and promoting the purchase of Fair Trade products in Brandon.  The committee has made up gift bags of fair trade products that will be used as prizes for draws during various promotional events throughout the year. The gift bags are made up of products generously donated by vendors that displayed their products during the 2nd Annual Fair Trade Network conference in Toronto, January, 2014. The Marquis Project greatly appreciates these donations.

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