The Youth Committee is getting off to a good start in the New Year with the debut of our first individual project, The Marquis Project Movie Days. We will be showing the films Wall-e, Over the Hedge, and Mulan in Brandon and surrounding high schools in February, March and April over lunch hours. The films have been selected as representations of popular media that portray important messages for our time. Wall-e investigates environmental issues through conveying a gloomy image of our planet in the future, Mulan demonstrates gender inequality and the power of the individual to rise above it, and Over the Hedge conveys messages about animal rights and diversity. The Youth Committee hopes that students not only see the fun in the films but also the deeper meanings. All movie showings will be followed by discussion on these important issues.
Currently the committee consists of a very small number of dedicated students and we are always looking for new, energetic members. With more people we could achieve much more and we have large-scale events in mind that we would love to be able to host. Help is always appreciated and welcomed warmly!